Shaving Cream be GONE!

I have found the secret to the perfect shave. In all actuality I’m probably the last person to know about it. I know this is a random blog post, but I am in awe at the smoothness of my legs and the lack of itchy razor burn, which is inevitable for me. Coconut oil! Just a little bit goes a long way. Not only did my legs not feel murdered, they are hydrated. After shaving I rinsed off and just let the oil soak into my skin. I will never shave any other way. It has saved me and my delicate skin!

An Uncluttered Life

Its been a few days since my last post. I blame it on clutter. My mind is cluttered, my house is cluttered, and right now my body feels very cluttered. Some days I feel like a sporadic mess of a woman; emotional, exhausted, and at a loss of how to pick myself up. I know I am not the only woman who feels this way, and I’m sorry but that actually comforts me.

So what are we to do when we don’t know what to do?

Do the dishes.

When my life is a giant ball of clutter, I do the dishes. I’m not saying “YOU MUST DO DISHES”, but for me this is where I start. I put on some music and I start cleaning. Once my house is clean I automatically feel way better, less stressed, and obviously  less cluttered.

Unlike normal human beings I actually enjoy cleaning. I find it therapeutic. So if starting with the dishes is to difficult, unclutter your body and go for a walk around the block.

Its very hard for me to be productive when everything is a mess. I sometimes even feel guilty, isn’t that silly!! Some of you may relate, maybe I’m cuckoo on my own. I just know when my life is cluttered it holds me down from everything, even eating healthy, exercising, serving others… So if you’ll excuse me…I have some dishes to do.

Pondering Contentment

Today I woke up feeling refreshed. I suppose it helps that I slept until ten. I made some coffee and sat on the patio thinking on our current situation. From an outside perspective it sucks. We barely have enough money to pay our bills, much less buy necessities for everyday life. We consider a date night to be $1 dipped cones at McDonald’s. Sometimes we go crazy and get Taco Bell. It seems a little silly getting excited about such things, but the truth is we are blessed. I can say from the bottom of my heart that I don’t regret where we are at financially. We have learned the secret to being content. When finances aren’t an issue we have a tendency to take the small things for granted. In this place I have seen Gods provision.  I see now that this was his plan all along. It has built humility in my heart and gratitude. Today I have more joy than I’ve ever had.

So don’t give up. If you are in a situation that finds you feeling stressed our even angry and confused, stop and ask why. I promise the answer will come to you. Maybe not in a way you like or when you’d like it to, but it will come. Maybe, just maybe, it’s as simple as learning to be thankful.

The Resting place

I’ve only been married a short while so as far as experience goes I’m a baby bride. I don’t know about the seven year itch or about severe exhaustion in the first 30 years of motherhood. I’m not qualified to give marital advice what-so-ever. So from the queen of DIY please see this as my experience and not a “how to”.

My parents have the most perfect marriage I know. I’m not bias it’s just a fact. They have a true to the core partnership that has inspired me in my own marriage. I’ve learned a lot from them over the years, but one thing stands out to me the most. My mom told me once that I had to stop holding on so tightly to relationships and let them breathe. I needed to be a place of rest for my husband and not a drag to come home to.

It took years of inner healing to be even remotely secure in my self. This security has given me the freedom to be secure in my marriage. I don’t strangle my husband on a daily basis and I know for a fact he can rest in my presence. Being a place of peace is a daily goal. It takes sometimes putting my own clutter aside to be what he needs. Sometimes I fail but that’s ok. Life is a journey of learning.

A little learned wisdom. Being at peace breaks down walls and creates a willingness to be open. Openness is the key to communication. No man wants to communicate to a nagging woman much less rest with one. Trust me I know. Something to process.

Have a beautiful day 🙂

What’s a blog anyway?

I never thought I’d be a blogger. I’m the girl with ten journals and two entries. My thoughts are sporadic at best and I never know where to start. So why am I writing a blog? Good question I’m so glad you asked.

#1  My photography website got disconnected because I couldn’t pay the bill. I know pathetic right! But I figured,  why pay when I can possibly find another way to show my work for free. Free is fun.

#2  I realized that I have way more to talk about than my photography. I’m constantly learning and some things might be important enough to share. What does it mean to be a wife? what can I make for dinner with three ingredients? How can I process the craziness of being a woman? What should I knit today? You get the idea.

#3  It could be fun…maybe.

So this is blog number one. If you stick around you won’t be bored. You may even learn something…no promises